One Shift To A More Intentional Holiday Budget

blog-graphic-reason-for-the-seasonAre you feeling it yet? The encroachment of the gift giving season?

I’m feeling it: Strongly.

I’m already stressed about starting to get my lists checked off. Stressed about the number of gifts I need to buy, stressed about staying on budget, stressed about how much stuff my son will get. It’s all is so overwhelming. And that isn’t the point of the season. At all.

This holiday season is tough. You want to stick to your budget, but also create a memorable holiday.

So what gives?

The key to creating a holiday that is meaningful, memorable and financially smart starts with gratitude.

Taking the time daily to sit quietly and reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life can have tremendous benefits on your life in general but ALSO your relationship with money.

This isn’t hokey woo-woo stuff. There is a strong connection between gratitude and debt levels because…

Appreciating all you already have helps you realize how little you need.

We have so many tangible, and intangible, gifts. Tapping into those gifts, and staying focused on that feeling helps you remember that the price tag and the quantity of gifts doesn’t matter. Gratitude helps you stay on budget and refocus your spending in ways that are more meaningful or impactful to you.

Let’s give more from the heart and less from the wallet.

Set the example that you can be fiscally responsible and still have a great holiday, likely an even better one. There might be some family members that don’t understand your approach, but that isn’t your responsibility.

Be the trendsetter towards a more aligned, intentional holiday.

We all need shorter lists and lower expenses this holiday season. And that starts with remembering all that you already have.

What are you grateful for today, and every day? I’ll go first…..

Right now, in this moment

I’m grateful for the chubby little hand messing up my desk as I write this
I’m grateful for the warm sun in an otherwise gloomy November
I’m grateful that I have some of my favorite candy downstairs to enjoy later