The Best Way To Save Money For Education

Ever since my son was born three years ago, I have been putting checks from Grandparents and other family members into a regular old savings account.   Each check was relatively small but they started adding up fast.   Each time I deposited a check I would think to myself, “You should be doing something…

Afford To Be A Stay-at-Home Mom In 6 Easy Steps

The decision to go back to work or stay at home can be a hard one. It also can feel like a polarizing topic to discuss with friends and family, with most taking a hard stance with whatever side they most agree with. But, that’s stupid. Every family has a unique set of circumstances, experience,…

Kids And Christmas: How Much Is TOO much?

Christmas is a pickle for kids, yo. I can reign in expectations for adults. Point out we clearly don’t need more presents. Shift to giving more of my time and energy instead of stuff. That’s all great. But for my two year old? It feels much more complex. I want him to have a Christmas…