How To Make Your Own Money Rules

**Disclaimer: This blog post was written back in February, and my husband is now happily re-employed. I will be sharing more in the future about how we navigated this transition period of cutting back and interruptions in income. It tested my own systems, and I’m happy to say, the systems worked perfectly.   My clients…

How To Escape A Toxic Workplace

For years, I worked in a really toxic environment. It seemed like almost everyone in the office was blaming and gossiping non-stop. And that included my boss who played favorites and liked to place blame constantly. It was completely draining and although I wanted out, I had zero energy by the end of the day…

What The Heck Is A Money Coach?

It can be confusing to understand what Money Coaches do compared to Financial Advisors and what is best for your unique needs. I hope this quick article helps clear up the differences and inspire you to start putting together your team of money professionals. What is a Money Coach? What all Money Coaches have in…

5 Steps To Setting Intentional Goals (And Why Your Success Depends On It)

January did not get off to a rolling start in my world. After a whirlwind flurry of holidays, family and travel I woke up on January 1st exhausted from the holiday season. Then we all proceeded to get sick and pass the stomach flu around for a solid week or so. Oh, and our furnace…

Kids And Christmas: How Much Is TOO much?

Christmas is a pickle for kids, yo. I can reign in expectations for adults. Point out we clearly don’t need more presents. Shift to giving more of my time and energy instead of stuff. That’s all great. But for my two year old? It feels much more complex. I want him to have a Christmas…

How To Prioritize Luxury In Your Budget

The word luxury is rich, cozy, and chic all wrapped up into one word. It invokes warm fuzzy feelings of spa days, fluffy robes and gobs of money. While I might not find myself at the spa on a regular basis (someday!) I can still find ways to incorporate little luxuries into my life by…