Budget. Cut your spending. Pay off your debt. Streamline. Optimize. Make sure you save. Invest properly. Ugh! There is so much that you need to think about when it comes to managing your money. There is so much, in fact, that sometimes the focus of money management starts at the point that you receive money.…
This post was originally curated and published on Medium, which you can also check out here. Let’s start off by stating the obvious: You’re a writer and that is a cool job. You’re a creative, working in the field you love. That alone is special and rare in this…
Money is a funny thing. We aren’t taught how to budget or invest in school yet these skill sets are required to live a financially successful adult life. If this money stuff doesn’t come naturally to you and you don’t know when to ask for help, it can spell disaster. But there is a lot…
My Husband came to me the other day and said, “Ok, it’s going to be $175 and he can do it right now. I know it’s not in the budget… should we just wait? Or do it?” “Do it. I’ll figure it out.” I replied. Today I want to share with you what really goes…
Marie Kondo is all the rage right now due to her new Netflix series, but I discovered Marie Kondo a couple years ago through her book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” Back when I read the book, I couldn’t believe how many similarities there were between the mindset of decluttering and the mindset of…
More times than not, when I am having a money conversation with someone they share with me their big money goals: Pay off debt, save for a house, or have enough to retire. Those are big, awesome goals. But big, awesome goals take a lot of time and energy to achieve. Before you can make…